You are on your own unique journey
toward self-realization.
I am here to inspire, encourage and empower you.
Hi, I’m Debora! I’m a yoga teacher, acroyoga teacher, massage therapist and full-time mama living in Golden Bay, New Zealand. My mission is to support you to realize your true nature by sharing the transformational gifts of yoga, acro & massage.
On this page, I share my passion, knowledge and understanding of the yogic path. Join one of my yoga classes, come play acro, receive a private flying therapeutics massage, get inspired reading my blog or come to one of my workshops or retreats!
Join one of my Yoga classes in Takaka!
Mon 4pm Yoga For Emotional & Mental Wellbeing
5.15pm Yoga For Men
6.30pm Yin Way Yoga
Private Sessions available in Takaka
Experience flying therapeutics,
thai massage or deep tissue!


Upcoming Events & Retreats
- Thursdays 5:30 - 7:30 pmMotupipi Hall
- Fridays 9:30amTakaka, Bayyoga
- Every Friday 11.15amBay Yoga
- Wednesdays 5:45pmBay Yoga
- Sun, 09 FebBayyoga
- Thu, 06 FebBayyoga
- Wed, 13 NovBayyoga Studio Takaka
- Sat, 09 MarGolden Bay
- Thu, 14 FebMotupipi Hall
- Sun, 16 DecPohara
- Fri, 14 Sept27 Elizabeth St

Dylan Holloway, Electrician
I just love Debora's classes. I love her passion for yoga, it's what connects me to her. Her classes are really intuitive & flowing. It's quite a unique style I really enjoy. I'm getting more aware of my body & my mind. I love her gentle & slow adjustments. It helps me in all areas of my life, I love yoga!

Lauren Hill,
Freedom Coach
Wow! Debora is such a nurturing & loving human being. She gives her whole heart to exactly what she is doing and makes you feel so taken care of. Her yoga classes help me focus, her acroyoga classes allows my inner child to come out and play & her massages are DIVINE. Debora has helped me know, heal & love my body. I have never felt so strong & aware of my temple. THANK YOU DEBORA!

Debora teaches with such a diversity of postures and at the end of her class my whole body feels like it’s had great attention. To me, her classes are extremely wholistic. Gentle but powerful! My body is stronger, my posture is more upright and I walk with more awareness of my body now. I actually LOVE my body!